photo credit: Gabriella Riggieri


Hanna Taylor Marino is a Boston based painter who works out of her studio in Ipswich, MA. She earned her BFA in painting from the University of Connecticut in 2013. Her work has been featured in exhibitions, publications and is hung in private and corporate collections throughout the US and abroad.

“An urgency to transcribe brings me to the canvas. Color is how I experience much of life: a moment of good light, changing weather, a melancholy day that still fills my chest with gratitude, a cobweb clearing first sip of coffee, dirt on my hands. Sometimes I paint with a bursting energy to get the color out of my brain and onto paper to record. Other times the colors fight once outside my head and I have to wrestle with them on paper to find their balance. Shape and repetition and brush stroke and layers all build on each other and push the work forward. Recognizable forms along with loose symbols of my own interpretation occasionally remain visible in the composition. Though a moment of color is usually the inspiration for jumping in, and will often show up in the tittle, once I begin a painting, rather than working from an image or plan, each decision informs the next. In this way I aim to translate my experience with the world through color, and attempt to strike a balance of simplicity and high-energy in my pieces.”

You can find Hanna’s work through: Samuel Owen Gallery 405 Greenwich Ave, Greenwich, CT 06830 203-422-6500


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